Heather Booth
Heather Booth Film Trailer from JARX on Vimeo.
The marvelous film on Democracy Partner’s Heather Booth is now available on Amazon Prime Video…. if you haven’t seen it and want to be inspired, I recommend you take the time to do it. You won’t be disappointed! https://www.amazon.com/Heather-Booth-Changing-World/dp/B084GCM8MX/
Hear heatherbooth on Podcast That's What She Said
Check out Heather Booth on the Sandi Klein Show, Conversations with Creative Women podcast
Heather Booth is one of the country's leading strategists about progressive issue campaigns and driving issues in elections. She is currently the Progressive Outreach Director for the Biden Campaign 2024. She started organizing in the civil rights, anti-Vietnam war and women's movements of the 1960s. She started JANE, an underground abortion service in 1965, before Roe. There is a new HBO documentary about this called The JANES, and there is a new Hollywood film version of the story, Call JANE.
She was the founding Director and is now President of the Midwest Academy, training social change leaders and organizers. She has been involved in and managed political campaigns and was the Training Director of the Democratic National Committee. In 2000, she was the Director of the NAACP National Voter Fund, which helped to increase African American election turnout. She was the lead consultant, directing the founding of the Campaign for Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2005.
In 2008, she was the director of the Health Care Campaign for the AFL-CIO. In 2009, she directed the campaign passing President Obama’s first budget. In 2010 she was the founding director of Americans for Financial Reform, fighting to regulate the financial industry. She was the national coordinator for the coalition around marriage equality and the 2013 Supreme Court decision. She was strategic advisor to the Alliance for Citizenship (the largest coalition of the immigration reform campaign). She was the field director for the 2017 campaign to stop the tax giveaways to millionaires and billionaires She directed Progressive and Seniors Outreach for the Biden/Harris campaign. She has been a consultant on many other issues and with many other organizations. She is a member of the consulting firm Democracy Partners.
There is a film about her life in organizing, "Heather Booth: Changing the World." It has been shown on PBS/World Channel stations around the country.
The following interview of Booth was conducted by the Center for Community Change in 2009 and is now in an archive at Brown University.

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